Posts Tagged ‘appreciation’


April 2, 2009

It takes a measure of consistency to stay on the road to inspiration, optimism and miracles. All successful spiritual travelers employ a ritual that ensures that their hearts and minds remain open to all the good that life has in store for us.

Since miracles know no time, it is important to persevere if things are not happening on our own schedule. That is where optimism comes in. It is of paramount importance to remain optimistic even when our backs are against the wall.

A ritual I highly recommend is to make a list of all the people, places and things that you are grateful for. Appreciating and recognizing the good that is already in your life puts you in a position to welcome even greater.

Try it. It works, I promise.

Good News Travels Slowly

December 15, 2008

I was recently doing a coaching session in one of the long term care facilities I work in, and it occurred to me how much people want to be included and appreciated.

In The Miracle of Optimism, I theorized that all humans need to be provided with three basic elements so personal growth can take place. Those elements are 1)giving and receiving appreciation, 2) feeling inclusion in the communities they are a part of and 3) receiving and giving consistency in their interaction.

Especially emotional consistency.

Each and every time I conduct a session it amazes me how much the employees crave those three elements. I am also grateful that I am able to witness them showing each other appreciation. To watch a face light up when a co-worker shares a story of how an action taken by another was appreciated is inspirational. It amazed that so many of the employees had never received positive feedback from their co-workers.

Why can we so readily share/spread gossip and negativity and so rarely share appreciation?

Intentional Appreciation

December 5, 2008

Happy Friday everyone!

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, appreciation and gratitude are topics that I like discussing. The reason behind this is that acknowledging the great things that we have going on in our lives is essential to our growth as humans.

Gratitude and appreciation are  power tools that help us build a joyful, abundant and optimistic life. This can be done right here and right now. Learning to generate these feelings in real time, no matter how the situation appears, is a key concept in healing and releasing old wounds and perceived problems. When you develop the practical and spiritual tools of being grateful and appreciative for all that comes your way, you’re on the path to a blissful, energy-packed life.

Even if your life is functioning fairly well but lacks a little of the zest and zeal you desire, gratitude and appreciation, generated on purpose and with intention will ignite your soul like nothing else.

We live in a very stressful and fast-paced society. It’s easy to accumulate negative emotions from the little day-to-day interruptions of peace in our lives. Gratitude and appreciation will help us look at those interruptions as gifts.

Learning to use gratitude and appreciation within a practical ritual is what helped me deal with the many hardships I faced  in life. I was able to snatch the pearl out of each and every incident by ritualizing the feeling state of appreciation.

We must learn to turn feeling appreciative and grateful into a habit. It’s about as healthy as a habit can get.

Have a great weekend!

Appreciation and Gratitude

November 21, 2008

It’s Friday. The end of the workweek (or school week) for most of us. After going through another week filled with a seemingly interminable list of challenges, it seemed like Friday couldn’t come fast enough. Well, here it is. Now it’s time to be grateful and appreciative.Your body, mind and soul will thank you.

Appreciation combines thankfulness, admiration and gratitude. Scientists have discovered that appreciation is one of the easiest and most powerful positive feelings to activate. When an individual taps into the positive feelings of appreciation, he allows himself the chance  to see the big picture. This is true even in stressful moments.

Each person has the ability to reach the highest level of his or her potential when connected to more positive, heartfelt states like appreciation and gratitude. Activating appreciation and gratitude allows you to be totally focused, maintaining high levels of energy.

Appreciation is a super-power tool for your own growth Appreciating what is, rather than focusing on and complaining about what isn’t, helps you make peace in the moment. Appreciation is also one of the easiest heart frequencies to shift into. You’ll feel the difference fast.

I told you your body, mind and soul will thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend!