Posts Tagged ‘positive thinking’

Ritualize Positive Thinking

January 20, 2009

A belief is nothing more than a thought that occurs numerous times. That thought then becomes what a person believes to be a truth.

A great tool for optimistic living is to train yourself to think different thoughts over and over again.  Set up a ritual to be silent, and bring to your mind positive thoughts about  situations that seem to be challenging. Think and FEEL the positive resolution.

Do it repeatedly. Make it a habit.

Thinking and feeling positively will formulate a different set of beliefs about those challenging situations. Go ahead, try it.

I dare you.

A Positive Belief System

November 24, 2008

Happy Monday folks! I hope you’re starting your week on the right foot. I hope you’ve planned to feel good and do great today.

It is impossible to live a vibrant, happy life without developing an optimistic belief about what is possible for you in your life. What you believe about yourself can lead to either a life filled with joy and happiness or a life striving to overcome erroneous perceptions of personal weaknesses.

Every person has the power to develop a positive belief system, no matter what others have taught you to the contrary. You can develop a more empowering system of beliefs that will embolden you to expect a life filled with all the abundance you desire.

You can use this positive belief system to break the shackles of disempowering messages you have received about who you are. You can then develop feelings about yourself that propel you to take actions that assure your happiness. If you have beliefs that are holding you back, it is time to question the validity of those beliefs.

That time is now.

Have  a GREAT Monday.

Creative Problem Solving

November 17, 2008

It’s a new week. Whether you’ll be spending most of it at work, school or home, new challenges are just around the corner. Running away from them does not help. Stressing over them won’t do you any good either. The good news is that there is a right way to handle them.

It’s all about perception.

When you combine positive thinking, creative enthusiasm and optimism with the proper perspective, there are few challenges that can’t be resolved.

When we cultivate an attitude of turning every stumbling block into a stepping stone or making every breakdown an opportunity for a breakthrough, we learn that problems are temporary. Very few problems need to be permanent. Your own attitude will determine this.

Here’s a great question to ask yourself when you perceive a challenging situation: Can I really do anything about the problem? Is it worth the effort or is it just an emotional reaction?

Getting those answers allow us to look at the big picture. They allow us to grow.