Posts Tagged ‘personal satisfaction’

Personal Growth Through Sports

December 11, 2008

Yesterday I stood in front of 50 athletes and coaches and talked to them about their responsibility as students, athletes and leaders. I stressed the idea that sports have to be about more than the games being played.

When we reduce the lofty teaching potential of athletic participation to the score of the games, we have lost a chance for personal growth.

Athletes have the responsibility to show courage in their decision making. Leaders have to sometimes be like the eagle. The eagle does not flock with the crowd; it stands alone with pride. Athletes are under a microscope with others watching their every move, this means that they must move about with a high level of integrity.

They have the unique chance under public scrutiny to blend mind body and spirit with a unity of purpose like no other venue. We the public hold athletes to very high standards, and rightfully so. Applying the same standards to our personal lives will foster personal growth.

It will make us better individuals. Stronger individuals.

A Positive Belief System

November 24, 2008

Happy Monday folks! I hope you’re starting your week on the right foot. I hope you’ve planned to feel good and do great today.

It is impossible to live a vibrant, happy life without developing an optimistic belief about what is possible for you in your life. What you believe about yourself can lead to either a life filled with joy and happiness or a life striving to overcome erroneous perceptions of personal weaknesses.

Every person has the power to develop a positive belief system, no matter what others have taught you to the contrary. You can develop a more empowering system of beliefs that will embolden you to expect a life filled with all the abundance you desire.

You can use this positive belief system to break the shackles of disempowering messages you have received about who you are. You can then develop feelings about yourself that propel you to take actions that assure your happiness. If you have beliefs that are holding you back, it is time to question the validity of those beliefs.

That time is now.

HaveĀ  a GREAT Monday.

Personal Empowerment: Success vs. Excellence

November 11, 2008

Living your values creates personal power. Having a philosophy and taking actions based on this philosophy provides you with a sense of certainty, an inner peace and a powerful inner strength. It is important to set goals that are reflective of your true values. If you are setting and achieving goals that are not based on what you really want to accomplish in life, you may feel unfulfilled.

Success is a tangible measurement of results based on the actions you have taken. Excellence is more about the inner workings of your spirit as you travel on the road toward a successful outcome. It is the process or journey of getting there. Excellence is about the day-to-day, minute-to-minute passion of your life’s direction. The end result of a journey full of values based on excellence will reflect love, contribution, peace and serenity. These attributes will provide the basis for true joy while you travel on the road to success. Money, success, career and all the other tangible benefits have a deeper meaning when you are attached to excellence.

True value clarification makes your actions more meaningful and rewarding. True fulfillment and enrichment comes with your right actions based on excellence values. It is common for people to achieve their “success” goals and then wonder, “is this it? Is this all there is?”

It doesn’t have to be.